1. When do you feel at your most attractive?

Violet Hughes

1. When do you feel at your most attractive?

When I'm doing something I love and I feel lit from within. Especially when I'm doing some form of outdoor sports or strength training and feel confident in my athleticism. I feel radiant when I build and use my muscles. Otherwise, it would be when I'm making art because I think the most beautiful thing we as humans can do is create.

2. Do you notice women on the street? If so, what sort of women do you tend to notice or admire?

Sometimes. I look the most at the ones who look like their own creation and don't appear to fit any particular mould. I don't hold onto many images of people I've seen in the streets, and if I'm being honest, the majority of the time I'm not looking.

3. What are some things you admire about how other women present themselves?

People who can smile at everyone and everything are very admirable. I look at someone who possesses a certain warmth and think about how I want to project that... but I usually have rbf.

A growing awareness of the ethical implications of consumerism and also the toxicity of a lot of our personal care products and cosmetics. I probably first learned of this five or so years ago at age seventeen. I switched the brands of cosmetics I use to vegan, cruelty free cosmetics made only from plant extracts. I also started buying clothes second hand almost exclusively. The realization that there is no ethical consumption is something I am still trying to grapple with so that I can tame my thirst for adornment- but I'm not sure that I ever fully will.

My clothing purchases are pared down to about six or so colours and I want to get down to a palette of four or less. It makes dressing more simple and I only like certain colors on my body anyways.

It's not a rule and probably pretty common but I prefer wearing stuff with contrasting silhouettes. If I wear a wide legged pair of pants I pair them with something tighter on top. If I wear a flowy blouse I wear it with something tighter on the bottom.

I haven't talked to enough people who are truly interested in these things past surface level commentary to have one of these.

Some of these areas are unified by relying on intuition but no, I don't have a structured approach overall.

I have a growing collection of bomber jackets. I like wearing layers. Ever since I started buying bomber jackets I noticed that the designs I find on them seem more interesting than the designs of any other article of clothing there is, although I'm sure that's just my bias.

I love giving gifts but I'm not sure if any stand out to me right now.

The concept of fashion trends is something I ignore. I buy what I like without much knowledge of whether or not it's trendy and wear it anyways. The transience of trends and their collective sameness isn't interesting to me.

My mother has never been interested in clothes. I can't remember learning anything about them from her. This wasn't inherited by me and neither was her body. We both appreciate turqoise jewelry though.

The only time I can think of anything like this happening is with a former friend who loved berets. I had never seen anyone else wear them so casually and pull them off so well. She kept different colors to coordinate with her outfits. I don't know if I'd call this stealing because I had already owned a beret as a gift before I met her, but I never considered wearing it until I saw her in them. I never did end up wearing it in public though, which is probably for the best.

This has happened at nearly every stage of my life so there's not one particular answer to this question for me.

There is nothing consciously political about the way I dress, but the way I view clothes and try to only make second hand purchases is rooted in environmentalism.

I do what I can to keep it at its healthiest. I love nutrition and eat very intentionally. I love exercise. I believe in the phrase "My body is my temple" and live by it. I went through a period of my life last year when I was bedridden and paralyzed for about 5 months. I had to relearn to stand, to walk, to jump... every movement had to be relearned. My body is a survivor and now I don't take it for granted as often. I see it as more than just its parts or the sum of its parts.

It's an ok place to be most of the time. I'd like to think I'm somewhat creative.

My emotions are very strong and I'm a sensitive person. I think with my heart more often than my head. At least I know how to reign it in and act on rationality more often than emotions though. I like that I'm far from emotionally repressed and cry easily. In my view vulnerability is true strength. Unfortunately much of the world disagrees.

I'm wearing pink satin pajama pants and a white cotton shirt with a sea green and light pink floral print right now. My hair is not done and I have sunscreen on my face. I wear sunscreen indoors becaause I sit in front of a huge wall length window and live somewhere very sunny. I've been self quarantined for about five months and I dress differently at home.

Clothes bring me joy and a sense of peace. I like to curate the way I present myself. The way I dress says something about me and it's interesting how different that message is to different people. Clothes are a form of communication on some level, whether or not people are intentionally transmitting messages through what they wear.

Anyone else I know who somewhat likes thinking and talking about them too.

I don't really have a dress code on my campus so I don't think that they do. I also don't dress in a way that is informed by other people's opinions.

I believe I have taste and style. This is often affirmed by other people. Everyone's taste is different though. I think style has more to do with a way of carrying yourself and being self assured. You have to know yourself. It's singular to a specific person and inimitable.

A $500 dress by a local designer that I bought at age fifteen and never wore. I still have it in my closet and it makes me happy to look at it, so it wasn't entirely a waste.

Not really.

I'm into interior design. The way I arrange things is as distinct and specific to me as how I dress.

The more scared or unsettled I feel the more I want to cloak myself in layers. I feel more protected in big sweaters or jackets. Showing as little skin as possible is calming.

I definitely know what I like in fashion. This is at odds with how indecisive I can be in general. I think I'm pretty good at discernment but it takes a lot of second guessing and switching back and forward between different options to get there. So I guess I'm not that great at it really!

I learned how to do laundry for myself in boarding school. I never did that growing up and it wasn't until I was thirteen that I learned how to do that. I had no guidance that I can remember as far as style. I would read style and fashion books when I was younger, but I don't think the way I dress now is influenced by them because I can't remember anything they said.

Wearing a high heeled boot (not stilettos or pumps- contrast!) of some sort with a short skirt for elongated legs and to make myself taller. Wearing something I feel really comfortable in so my confidence rises. Wearing light makeup and emphasizing my eyes. Wearing a braid or two or letting my hair fall in loose waves.

Moving through life without thinking about what judgements are being made about you projects confidence. Introspection and vulnerability signal confidence to me. Standing in the face of any judgement and dismissing it, feeling secure with who you are despite what anyone else thinks. Showing kindness to everyone you meet unconditionally is the most important aspect of confidence. Looking for the best in others. I firmly believe that how one treats other people is a direct reflection of their own self esteem.

I like wearing a romantic, soft colour palette and putting on clothes that make me feel like myself. I don't really have a style philosophy outside of wearing what I like. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Nature, nature, nature. I want to wear things that remind me of flowers, clouds, or the sky in some way!


I haven't thought about doing this before. When I look at myself I see my reflection through my own eyes. I don't see the point in assuming someone else's opinions or parroting what someone has said to me in the past. I think it would probably feel miserable.

I consider where I'm going, who I'll be around, what the weather is like, if there's a chance of my clothes getting dirty, and how I want to feel about myself.

Integration of my different selves. Self expression, harmony.

My default is on the more "dressed up" side of things. Dressing up for me is doing more with my hair and makeup than usual, maybe. Or wearing more jewelry.

A white (long pants, maybe lace details) jumpsuit with a pale blush pink bomber jacket and some shoes in the same color. My favorite pair of earings. A burgundy purse or satchel.

Things I like: pastel colors, deep reds, earth tones, silky textures, lace, velvet, natural textiles, monochromatic outfits, bomber jackets with ornate designs, rococo and baroque influenced styles, classic vintage styles, peter pan collars, mock neck collars, high waisted pants and skirts, delicate floral patterns, rabbit and swan motifs, whimsical bordering kitsch details, daydreaming, etc.

Things that are not my tastes: menswear, bright colors, athleisure, super tight clothes like bodycon dresses, flannel shirts, jeans, rigidity and style rules, close mindedness, etc.

I'm white American with a Jewish dad and Christian mom raised non-religiously. This has no influence on how I dress.

When I was around thirteen I had really weird taste. I wore a white hat with polar bear ears 24/7 for months on end (? I can't remember how long). I wore a lot of odd things and I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time.

Business formal clothes, straightened hair, and minimal makeup.

I'm a student with no outside employment right now.

Not since I was fourteen in a Catholic highschool.

I didn't rebel when this question applied to me.

It was both comforting and contraining for me during the one time that I had to wear one. I don't mind plaid skirts but I like expressing myself through what I wear.

A black faux leather jacket with a red satin interior, a white lightweight sweater with a subltle cut out floral design, a red plaid skirt with short black fringe at the hem, black tights, and red loafers. I like that everything was thrifted aside from the jacket and I chose this as archetypal because it could almost fit during my short time spent in a school uniform. I like this outfit because it's outside of the way I normally dress and I wear it when I'm in a certain mood.

I've thought about how things might be simpler as a man but I can't remember wanting to dress this way or change my body in that sense.

Right now is good because I still have access to archives of how people in different eras and cultures dress. I don't need everyone around me to be doing the same thing. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in the early or mid 20th Century when people dressed more formally outside of the house. But there was more conformity too I think, so it might not be as interesting.

I'm far from photogenic and feel uncomfortable taking photos. I try to avoid it. I have a round face and soft, delicate features and I think more defined/angular faces and features photograph much better. I have high cheekbones and my face looks better in motion or at certain angles in photos. When it's photographed straight on I look more moon faced and my features flatten and shrink weirdly. My discomfort with taking photos is probably the main thing that makes me unphotogenic though.

I think I'm glad I don't look that way in the mirror or in person.

I don't pay enough attention to pop culture or what people are wearing. It's one of the main things I notice while watching films but it falls out of my awareness too quickly after I stop watching to influence how I dress.

I have very many of these dreams. Even last night in part of one of my dreams I was trying on different dresses and feeling sad that none of the shoes I had on hand complimented the dresses. I'll usually dream about clothes that are in colors I don't normally wear.

Androgeny. I think it's great on other people but I would feel extremely uncomfortable if I tried to style myself androgenously. I think I wouldn't want anyone to see me and I think it wouldn't work with my features anyways. I love androgeny though.

The same things I wear now.

I'm trying to attract myself.

Not at all.

I have anosmia so I can't smell it. I could when I was younger and I remember liking perfume then, but I can't remember how that felt now. I think it usually contains toxic chemicals and I would be very careful about what my perfume was made of if I wore it now. I think it can be inconsiderate to other people to wear it because you never know who around you has allergies or hates certain scents, and the way people wear it is usually overpowering. My parents always get headaches from other people's perfume or cologne so that factored into my awareness about perfume. I like a lightly scented lotion made from non-harmful ingredients. I have a pretty holistic view of these types of things and the knowledge that your skin absorbs anything you put on it. If you wouldn't feel comfortable eating your perfume (because of the chemicals/effect on your health-not the taste) then it's probably not great for your body when it absorbs into your bloodstream.

I lost my muscle tone after being confined to my bed for 5 months or so and losing the ability to walk. Since then I can walk and exercise fine again but I haven't accomplished the task of rebuilding my muscle yet. I feel like I need to do this before I feel fully presentable again. I think as long as clothes are relatively modest and very clean they're presentable enough.

I wear a foundation made from plant extracts with a mineral powder containing sunscreen and a light blush. I also wear mascara and tinted lip balm. I like to wear simple makeup that enhances my natural beauty so I can still recognize myself when I take it off. I would feel very weird if I wore more elaborate makeup that changed my features, I don't think I'd be able to look at myself without it anymore.

Seconhand clothing bought from thrift stores or my favorite consignment app, therealreal. Many bomber jackets, sweaters, dresses, and skirts. A few blouses, shorts, pants, and rompers. Jewelry that has mainly been gifted at various times in my life. Mostly earrings, a few bracelets and necklaces, and barely any rings.

I have too many to count. I want as many of my clothes as possible to feel like favorites.

A dress I bought when I was fifteen that is very opulent and slightly rococo looking with a cream coloured bustier top embroidered with pearls and small gold beads, a golden heart shaped zipper in the back, and a golden beige tule skirt. I thought that maybe I would wear it to prom, but I ended up in boarding school and I never went to a prom. I don't wear it now because it's not appropriate for every day wear. I keep it because it meant a lot to me at the time and it signified something. It was made by a local designer and I respect the craftmanship she used to make it. It also marked a shift in my tastes looking back on it retrospectively.

I can't remember most of my purchases during that time frame.

A lightweight creamed colored sweater with a hood and black bat silhouettes printed on it. I probably wouldn't wear it now but I want it back for nostalgia purposes. I liked it a lot but I ended up donating it. There was also a vintage bracelet that was a thick gold band with a deer head sticking out of it that I owned at one point and gave away. I miss it.

This is a hard question! My dress I mentioned in previous questions that I don't wear but it has sentimental value for me and I feel like it connects me to a younger version of myself. It's the article of clothing I've kept for the longest. Not the most practical answer since I wouldn't be wearing it!

I would only purchase things that were different shades of white, pink, red, lilac, black, and maybe gold. I like owning things that all fit into one color palette.

I haven't really considered clothes in this way. But I do own some expensive pieces that I take good care of and preserve so that I can continue wearing them in the future.

Maybe a series of purchases but no.

A pair of very baroque looking Chanel ankle boots that I saw in a store when I was fifteen and haven't stopped thinking about since. My holy grail shoe that I still try to find online...
"Chanel Brocade Lace-Up Ankle Boots- Gold and beige woven brocade Chanel ankle boots with peep toes, cutout at counters featuring gold-tone interlocking CC accent, engraved heels and lace-up closure at uppers."

Always neat but I don't have enough drawer space or hangers right now so some of my clothes are folded on top of my dresser.

A special handmade necklace made from rose quartz and a bead talisman with an engraved tree on it and a small tassel. I was gifted this by a virtual stranger I met on a four day women's retreat. I was very ill with a condition that would lead to me being partially paralyzed for months during this retreat but I wouldn't know this until a week later. This kind stranger was compassionate towards my suffering (I felt ill and weak with the early symptoms of my condition and did not yet understand them). I was very sad during the retreat because of how confusingly ill I felt and she comforted me. At the end of the retreat she gave me this necklace and told me that she made it for herself when she was young to promote self healing. She gave me her wishes that it would impart self healing for me as well. I was very touched!

I give my purchases thought from the start, so no.

For the past year or so I've been exclusively buying from a consignment app. Before that I would mainly go to secondhand clothing stores in person. I haven't had that option for a while due to the pandemic and a medical condition that left me bed ridden before that. I browse for clothes on the app constantly and shop for clothes spontaneously.

I like to smell clean and like myself. I like to smell like fresh flowers if I smell like anything else.

I'm not sure that it does. Maybe it plays into my ambitions for my internal self, such as continuing to cultivate my ability to incorporate self expression into all that I do. I like how personal the way I dress is and that it probably reveals something about the way I think.

Clothes cost money. I am in a financially privileged position to be able to dress the way I do. I do not take this for granted. I do sometimes feel guilty about it.

Recently it's a fitbit watch. That's kind of boring and I hope I find something else more personal to turn into a talisman.

I think the compliments that my clothes/appearance elicit usually affirm the way I like to see and think about myself, which is nice. It helps me be kinder to myself.

I don't think I can! I can see it when I look at childhood photos though. When I was first able to dress myself the way I dressed was like a caricature of how I perceived glamour. I've always been "girly".

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